Saturday 29th June 2019: 27th International Swimmers Meet in Bühl (Schwarzwaldbad)

IMG 0835 2m

Since 1993 our Swimming Club (Schwimmteam Bühl) has been organising a yearly competition so-called Bühler Schwimm-Meeting

Every year end June / beginning July many teams from different countries with around 400 swimmers come to Bühl (the plum city) and participate in this competition.

On Saturday 29th June 2019 our 27th Meeting took place at Schwarzwaldbad.




Current competition records
Current age group records

Special awards (in German)


Final registrations

Final registrations (in German)
Final registrations with team highlightings (zip-file, in German)

Price runs (in German)

Referee schedule (in German)




Overall results (DSV-Format)
Overall results

Medals count
Team overall ranking

Competition and age class records

Special awards winners



Best of (coming soon)



Preliminary report dated 13th June (in German)
Second preliminary report dated 26th June (in German)
Retrospective report dated 2nd July (in German)


We're looking forward to welcome you to Bühl next year!